Animation, Experiment in collaboration with New Media Society #21 | Fatemeh Hosseini-Shakib
Apr 24, 2019 | 6 PM
New Media Projects
Animated Documentary or Documentary Animation, is a relatively new discourse in utilising expressive and aesthetic possibilities of traditional and modern animation techniques and formats to represent or speak about reality and the real. In fact, where the conventional concepts and approaches in live-action documentary fail to communicate, animation articulates.
In recent decades, documentary animation, as an alternative approach to speak or suggest about objective or subjective realities has gained recognition and legitimacy despite serious challenges posed by the orthodox definitions of both animation and documentary. This ontological challenge roots in the seemingly paradoxical accounts of animation as something totally manipulated and controlled and that of documentary film as a not-at-all manipulated, or an objective and unbiased representation of reality by ‘filming’ it. Today, these initial contradictions and disputes in the emergence of the form have provided a fruitful foundation for an in-depth discussion about the fluctuating essence of reality and the impossibility of removing the barrier of representation.
On Wednesday, 24th April 2019, Fatemeh Hosseini-Shakib is going to kick-start the Animated Documentary Season of ‘Animation: Experiment’ collective (of the New Media Society) by a presentation on the theoretical and academic polemics related to the topic, as well as screening a broad range of approaches and practices in relation to such kind of film.