New Media Sound Session #10 | SpectroDue


New Media Society in collaboration with Lajevardi Collection – Embassy of the republic of Poland in Tehran & SazBaz .


electro-acoustic performance of contemporary music

What is a SOUNDWALK? It is a journey through the sounds, experiencing their slightest details in a nutshell, created by SpectroDuo (Martyna Kosecka and Idin Samimi Mofakham) with specially invited by them guest artists – electric guitar Allen Barsekhian  bass player Arash Saeedi.

Performance will focus on timbral exploration, taking the listener to the spaces of beating phenomenon, drones and unexpected points of silence. The first part of this experimental concert will present the possibilities of creating sound-walls, which start to be more hearable whenever several similar music frequencies get closer to each other and start to interact.

experimenting with various sound solutions through the speech of modern electro-acoustic improvisation. Their research is focused on noise experiments, being an interpretation of  a “graphic video” – that is a musical improvisation to the non-fixed graphic score, which will be a significant visual deformation during a concert. It is also considered to be an extension of traditionally performed fixed graphic scores in music, whose development and time of fame was in 1960s.Second half of a SOUNDWALK performance will present a quartet of musicians,

SpectroDuo is an experimental electronic and electro-acoustic music project started by Martyna Kosecka (pianist, composer, orchestra conductor from Poland) and Idin Samimi Mofakham (composer, musicologist, sound artist from Iran). SpectroDuo, many times with accompaniment of invited by them guest musicians, experiments with so called computer music as a main medium of musical speech or in connection to traditional instruments. In their performances artists often go beyond sound source and use various inter media solutions.

Some of their successful projects are: NOISY night Electroacoustic (Iran 2014) with
a CD publication through Audiomat Label/Poland; Procyon Electronic music project completed during residency at Visby Composers Union (Sweden 2014) or Noisy Good Morning Graz, performed during IMPULS Music Festival (Austria 2015).

Lajevardi Collection
No.20, Sepand Street, Nejatollahi Street,
Karimkhan zand Street, Tehran.
Tel: +9821 88921745

Wednesday August 5 , 20157:30 pm