Tanakora in Progress…

Parkingallery Projects and New Media Society Present


Come and join us for a collaborative project which takes place at the intersection of performance / Story-telling / SecondTanak-hand clothes exchange…
Tanakora takes its title from the wide=spred second-hand shops in Iran, named after a character in a Japanese Soap Opera from the 80s, Oshin, The Tv series aired during the Iran-Iraq war and gains such popularity that brought almost everybody at home sharp at 9 pm, when it was on.

The second-hand clothes sellers which got their hands on imported goods to Iran chose the textile chain in the series for their business.

6 years ago, Parkingallery launched its project, Tanakora Parking, which encouraged people to donate/exchange/sell their belongings in a set together with their stories. Try them on, take pictures and write new stories…

in March 2018, New Media Projects changes itself to a pop-up shop, office, and creative repair space, allowing the visitors to participate in the process from pricing to paperwork and from sorting to displaying and sale, though forms which allow them to let their material for exchange or to be sold. The item left will be donated at the end.

You can join Tanakora in progress from Friday, March 2, to Tuesday, March 6, from 11 am to 9 pm.